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- Ida Fay

"You must be losing your eyesight," said the cook, taking a spoon. "Now, then, I will stir up the eggs; and now I will put in a little flour; and now I will grate in some nutmeg."
"I think you had better put in some milk," said Jenny.
"Of course, I shall," replied the cook. "Where's the basin of milk?"
"You will find it on the floor," said Jenny.
Albert looked, and cried out, "Go away, Snap!—See, Jenny, that greedy dog has lapped up all the milk!"
"No matter," said Jenny. "You can get some more where you got the eggs."
So Albert seized the little pitcher, went through the motion of emptying it, stirred the pudding once more, and then placed it on the little doll-stove.
"Oh, what a fine cook you are!" said Jenny. "But, when I am very hungry, I think I shall not come to you for my dinner."

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