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At some schools, where a plan of this kind has been adopted, boys have been inclined to look upon it as a great bore, and have dreaded the return of the so-called social evening, when they would have to be, for some hours, in a state of nervous anxiety, lest they should be catechised in a corner, or be betrayed into something that they would be sorry for afterward.
But, with one exception, this was not the case with the Blackrock boys; the Tuesday reception was always a red-letter day with them, and if ever, through misbehavior, an invitation was withheld, it was regarded as one of the severest punishments inflicted in the school.
Several boys were one day standing in a group under the elms which enclosed the play-ground, putting on their jackets to return to the school-room, as the recreation hour was nearly over.
"Who's going to the house on Tuesday?" asked Howard Pemberton.

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