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- Alfred Selwyn

"Oh, it's too fine, too fine!" barked Neptune; and he began to lap up water with his tongue. Leda pulled back, and cried, "Oh, don't!" But the temptation was too great for Neptune. In he pulled poor Leda, and swam about with her till she was chilled through. Fritz's father, Mr. Pitman, passing that way, saw the dogs, and called them out. Glad enough was Leda to get on dry land. She shivered, but Neptune shook himself till he drenched her all over. Then Mr. Pitman untied the dogs, and, taking some dry grass, gave Leda a good rubbing till she felt warm and brisk. Then she began to bark at Neptune, and to caper round him, as much as to say, "Did you not serve me a pretty trick, sir? But I shall not let Master Fritz tie me to you again. Never, never!"

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