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"Why is it that flowers always grow so nicely for Mary? I often plant seeds, but nothing comes from them. They won't grow for me. But blossoms seem to spring right up wherever she goes. They must have a particular liking for her." That's what Tom said, one day, as he saw Mary watering the flowers. Well, it is no wonder, Tom, if flowers do have a liking for such a lovable little girl. There's nothing so very strange about that. How could they help liking her? But, after all, perhaps the secret of the matter is, that Mary loves the flowers, and never forgets to take care of them. She looks after them every day, and not by fits and starts, as some people do. So she has good luck with her flowers and is always able to make up a nice bouquet. And she not only enjoys the flowers herself but, what is better still, she takes delight in having others enjoy them with her. She does not forget to send a liberal share to the Flower Mission; and many a poor sufferer has been cheered by the sight of Mary's flowers.

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