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Autumn days are going fast. Who wants to spend a day in the woods?" said uncle Tom to his nieces Jennie and Kate.
"I!" shouted Jennie; "and I!" shouted Kate; "and can aunt Jane and cousins Tom and Ann go too?" said both.
"Yes," said uncle Tom: "I will take the big wagon, and there will be room enough for all. Run and ask your mother to put up a lunch for us. We must start early in the morning."
Off they ran, and soon came back with Tom and Ann and their little brother Johnny, all eager for a frolic.
The next morning, as soon as the sun peeped out of the east, all the children were up and dressed. By the time breakfast was over, the wagon stood at the door. Into it they climbed one after another. The lunch-basket was packed in safely. Aunt Jane sat on the front seat; uncle Tom jumped up beside her with the reins in his hands; the children shouted "Hurrah!" and off they started.

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