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- Leonora

The sparrow looks saucily at him, saying, "Ah, ha, Sir Hawk! You have scared me many a time with your sharp claws and hooked beak; but now I am a match for you. It was fine fun for you to kill little chickens. Now you see what comes of it."
"Yes indeed," cries the turkey, "he killed seven dear little chickens. How glad I am that he is caught at last! I'll give him a piece of my mind now, but he can't have any more chickens."
"Ah!" says the hawk, "you talk very bravely; but, if I were let out of this cage, you would not stare at me much longer."
The fowls walk slowly away without saying more. But the pert young sparrow bristles up, and dares the hawk to come out and fight him. It is very easy to be brave when there is no danger.

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