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His is a little English girl. Her name is Mildred; but she is usually called Milly. She has always lived in a fine old house, with lovely grounds about it, not far from London. But now she is going, with her father and mother, to India.
She thinks it will be very nice to be travelling so far away with them; but she is sorry to leave her kind grandmother, and all her aunts and cousins. She could not help crying when she said good-by to them.
"I cannot go without my Jip," she said to her mother the day before leaving.
"Oh, no, darling!" said her mother. "I wouldn't think of leaving the little dog behind. He will be a fine play-fellow for you on board the ship."
So she has Jip cuddled close in her arms, you see. It is late in November, and the weather is cold. But Milly has plenty of warm fur wraps to protect her and her pet too.

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