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Her mamma laughed, and said, "I think we can manage that, dear. You shall go down in the large front-hall, and there you can run and play as much as you please."
Jessie was delighted with this plan, and presently stood holding the ball just out of reach of the kitten's paws, saying, "Catch it if you can, kitty; catch it if you can!"
As soon as kitty, standing on her hind-legs, had her paw almost upon it, away Jessie would run, shouting and laughing, and kitty would follow her as fast as she could go.
When they had played till Jessie was quite tired, she went to her mamma with kitty cuddled in her arms, and said, "We have had a jolly time, mamma! Now I must give kitty some milk and put her to bed; for I think she is hungry and sleepy after so much exercise." This last was a big word for such a little girl, and she said it quite slowly.
"Yes, dear," mamma said, smiling, "and I think I know somebody else who will soon be hungry and sleepy too."

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