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After breakfast she would go into the field where the hay was making, and help with her own little rake to toss and spread it. But at eleven o'clock her mother would call her in, put on her cool night-dress, and lay her in her crib for a nap, and by that time the little girl was usually tired enough to be glad to go to sleep.
But one day she was having such a nice time with some little cousins who had come to play with her, that, when her mother called her in for her nap, she said, "Oh, please, mamma, don't make me go to sleep today; I'm not a bit sleepy. See how wide open my eyes are!"
Her mother laughed and said, "Well, darling, we'll try it this once, but I'm afraid you will be tired before night."
"Oh, no! mamma, I shall not be tired, I know, because I am having such a good time."

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