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But may it not be the form or dress of the shepherd that the sheep know, and follow him? To test this, a traveler, who had put the question, once exchanged dresses with a shepherd, and went amongst the sheep.
The traveler in the shepherd's dress called the sheep, and tried to lead them; but "they knew not his voice," and did not move. But when the shepherd called them, though he was in the traveler's dress, they ran at once to him, thus proving that it was the voice that led them.
I have a dog that will sometimes bark at me when I put on an overcoat which he has not seen me wear before. But, the moment he hears my voice, he seems ashamed of not having known me, and will whine, as if he would say, "Pardon me, good master. It was very stupid in me not to know you. It was your coat I did not know. I will try to be wiser the next time."

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