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It was a fawn about eight months old. I am sure if you could have seen him you would never have given papa a moment's rest till you had him as your own pet; and perhaps I shall have something to say to you about that by and by.
Well, this charming little pet was of a light yellowish-brown color, and over his whole body were white spots about the size of a dime.
Some boys had surprised him asleep, when he was about a week old, and had carefully taken him home with them. There he had been tended and made much of by the whole family, and so he had grown to have a genuine affection for his captors.
He was allowed full freedom to go about the woods as he chose, and never failed to return at night; and when called by name—for the boys had named him Dick—he would come bounding up as if he dearly loved to be petted.

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