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Mrs. F., a lady living not far from Boston, has a bantam hen, who, every spring morning, walks into the house, and lays an egg in a rocking-chair.
After laying the egg, Mrs. Bantam jumps up on the window-seat and says "Cut, cut, cut, cut-ah-cut!"
A turkey belonging to this same lady, who is very fond of pets, once came off her nest with one poor little fledgeling; a duck appeared, about the same time, with only one duckling; and, strangely enough, a hen was roaming about with one solitary chicken.
Mrs. F. thought that the three young ones might as well make one family: so she put the young turkey and the duckling with the hen, and Mistress Biddy took care of them with her own chicken, just as though she were the true mother of them all.
Mrs. F. used to take all three up in her lap and feed them. When put down, the turkey and the duckling would stretch their long necks up, looking wistfully at her, as if coaxing her to take them up again. But the chicken did not seem to care about being petted.

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