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Patty was taking a stroll in the pasture, plucking daisies as she went along. Suddenly she stopped, and seemed to be intent upon something in the grass.
"Do you see a snake, Patty?" said her cousin Paul, coming softly up behind her.
"Oh, no!" answered Patty, "I was only trying to find something."
"Trying to find something!" said Paul. "What in the world can it be?"
"Guess, if you can."
"Well," said Paul, "I guess it's a gold dollar."
"No such thing."
"Then it must be a pearl."
"No. What a bright boy you are at guessing! You shall have this bunch of daisies as a reward of merit. Are they not pretty? Don't despise them because they are weeds. Now I will tell you what I am looking for. I want very much to find a——"
"Stop a minute," said Paul, "I have it." And he stooped down, and plucked a four-leaved clover.

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