The Pintsch gas is prepared by the distillation of heavy oils in a furnace composed of two superposed retorts. The oil to be volatilized is contained in a vertical reservoir, which carries a bent pipe that enters the upper retort. The flow of the oil is regulated in this conduit by means of a micrometer screw which permits of varying the supply according to the temperature of the retorts. In order to facilitate the vaporization, the flow of oil starts from a cast-iron trough, and from thence spreads in a thin and uniform layer in the retort. The residua of distillation remain almost entirely in the reservoir, from whence they are easily removed. The vapor from the oil which is disengaged in the vessel goes to the lower retort, in which the transformation of the matter is thoroughly completed. On leaving the latter, the gas enters the drum at the lower part of the furnace. To prevent the choking up of the pipe, the latter is provided with a joint permitting of dilatation. The gas on leaving goes to the condenser, where it is freed from its tar.
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