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The apsidal building attached is to be devoted to lectures on the cooking of fish.
Having crossed the British Section, and turning to the right and passing by another entrance, we come upon what will be to all one of the most interesting features of the Exhibition, and to the scientific student of ichthyology a collection of paramount importance. We allude to the Western Arcade, in which are placed the Aquaria, which have in their construction given rise to more thoughtful care and deliberation than any other part of the works. On the right, in the bays, are the twenty large asphalt tanks, about 12 feet long, 3 feet wide, and 3 feet deep. These are the largest dimensions that the space at command will allow, but it is feared by some that it will be found somewhat confined for fast going fish. Along the wall on the left are ranged twenty smaller or table tanks of slate, which vary somewhat in size; the ten largest are about 5 feet 8 inches long, 2 feet 9 inches wide, and 1 foot 9 inches deep.

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