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It should be made in a well glazed earthen crock; metallic vessels are not good, as the gelatine burns too easily on the sides, and dries out where it gets too hot. Nor is a water bath to be recommended for dissolving the gelatine, for the sides get too hot and dry out the gelatine.
A quart of water is put in the crock and heated to boiling; it is then taken off the open fire and two pounds of the finest gelatine stirred in, a little at a time. After the gelatine is completely dissolved there is to be added eight or ten pounds (according to the quality of the gelatine) of the finest white sirup previously warmed, and constantly stirred. The mass must not boil, as it would easily burn, or turn brown and acquire a bad color.
Thirty or forty pounds of a beautiful white elastic mass can be made by this recipe in an hour at a cost of ten or twelve cents. Its chief use is for making figures and ornaments to put on bridal cakes and other fanciful productions of the confectioner.

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