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Climbing Tricycles

- Written in "The Engineer"

We noticed, however, one machine at the exhibition which seemed to give all that could be desired without any gearing or chains at all. This was a direct action tricycle shown by the National Cycle Company, of Coventry, in which the pressure from the foot is made to bear directly upon the main axle, and so transmitted without loss to the driving wheels on each side, the position of the rider being arranged so that just sufficient load is allowed to fall on the back wheel as to obtain certainty in steerage. The weight of this machine is much less than when gearing is used, and the friction is also considerably reduced, trials with the dynamometer having shown that on a level, smooth road, a pull of 1 lb. readily moved it, while with a rider in the seat 4 lb. was sufficient. On this tricycle any ordinary hill can, it is stated, be ascended with great ease, and as a proof of its power it was exhibited at the Stanley show climbing over a piece of wood 8 in. high, without any momentum whatever.

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