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A Theory of Cometary Phenomena


The theory that I advance to account for the several phenomena relating to comets' tails is, that comets are non-luminous, transparent bodies; that they transmit the light of the sun; that the transmitted light reflected by the particles of matter in space constitutes the tails of comets. "Like causes produce like effects." By contraries, then, like effects must be produced by similar causes; for, if an effect produced by a cause which is known is similar to an effect produced by a cause which is not known, the cause which is known must be similar to the cause which is not known. This is true or not.
I submit the following experiments to substantiate the theory advanced.
Partially fill a vial or a tumbler with water, hold it by the rim, and move it around a lighted candle placed upon a table. A shadow surrounding the transmitted light will be cast upon the table. As the tumbler approaches the light, the shadow follows the tumbler, and when receding the tumbler follows the shadow; and as the tumbler is moved around the light, the shadow will swing round from one side to the other.

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