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Red Sky


In order to understand the color of our sky, we must understand the subject which is so immediately connected with it and its creation.
The earth is a sphere in space; generally speaking, it is composed of land and water. These are two factors; the heat that it derives from the sun forms a third factor; the three--land, water, and heat--are essential to life, at least the higher conditions of life which culminate in man. The old physical geography taught us this much, but it was not able to go further and tell us why it was cold or warm independent of the seasons; it could not explain why it was at times as warm, and even warmer, half-way to the pole than at the equator; why it was at times very warm in the extreme northeast while very cold in the Southern States; cold in the northwest when it was warm in the northeast, and warm in the northwest when cold all along the upper Atlantic seaboard; it could not forewarn us of storms.

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