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The Gardner Machine Gun

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In the five-barrel gun the cartridge feeder contains 100 cartridges, in five Vertical rows of 20 cartridges each, and these are kept supplied, when firing, from supplementary holders. One image shows the portable rest manufactured by the Gardner Gun Company. It consists of two wrought iron tubes, placed at right angles to each other; the front bar can be easily unlocked, and placed in line with the trail bar, from which project two arms, each provided with a screw that serves for the lateral adjustment of the gun. These screws are so arranged as to allow for an oscillating motion of the gun through any distance up to 15 deg. The tripod mounting, used for naval as well as land purposes which illustrates the two barrel gun complete. The five barrel gun is shown mounted on a similar tripod. The length of this weapon over all is 53.5 inches, the barrels (Henry system) are 33 inches long, with seven grooves of a uniform twist of one turn in 22 inches.

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