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Invention and Discovery

- William Beverley Harison?

At last we seem to have a mucilage brush that is going to answer every requirement.
We have had them in plenty with the handles so arranged that the mucilage would not get on one's fingers, and so that the neck of the bottle would not get clogged. But so far every invention has fallen short in one very important particular. The brush has always been left in the mucilage, where it got hard and stiff and unusable for a time, or had to be lifted out and put in a fresh compartment, where it again dries and hardens.
The new brush is so arranged that it does not touch the mucilage, but is held above it by a spring in the handle. When the gum is to be used, the top of the handle is pressed, and the brush is forced down into the bottle until it meets the liquid.

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