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Invention and Discovery

- Genie H. Rosenfeld

There has lately been patented in England a system for making buttons, combs, brush-handles, billiard balls, and such like articles out of milk.
The bone buttons and articles of that kind, which we have been using up to the present time, have been made of refuse from the slaughter-houses. This new process will only require milk.
Any one who knows anything about dairy work knows what loppered milk is. It is the thick soured milk that one finds under the butter cream.
This loppered milk is made into cottage cheese, and many people, in making their cottage cheese, stand it for a moment on the fire to thicken.
Woe to the dairy wife who lets it stay too long!
It becomes like little knobs of rubber, that nothing will soften. When one tries to bite it one's teeth rebound. It is the toughest kind of material.
Mr. Callander, the Englishman who invented the milk buttons, must have had an encounter with some of this cottage cheese, and his trouble in chewing it must have made him wonder whether it wasn't intended for something else instead of food.

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