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Progress Invention and Discovery

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A clever invention, which originated in France, is a life-saving buoy that has been used on the River Seine in Paris. Persons falling into the water at night often lose their lives because it is impossible to ascertain their whereabouts; or, if a life-saving apparatus of any kind is thrown to them in the darkness, they frequently drown before they can find it. This small apparatus consists of a combination of a buoy with an electric light; when the buoy is thrown into the water the light is lighted automatically. In connection with this invention the life-savers in Paris use a grappling-hook which we illustrate. This has an electric light near the end in the oval space; this light makes it possible to grapple for persons who may have gone down beneath the water.
We have also received from France the account of an invention in the shape of a bicycle lamp in which acetylene is burned. The great difficulty with the use of acetylene has heretofore been that the gas will not burn unless under high pressure, and the receptacles in which the gas is generated could not be so made as to insure them against exploding.

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