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Servia and Her Neighbors

- the following official communication was telegraphed to the foreign press by the Government Bureau on Aug. 9, 1914

The Serbian mobilization was effected with marvelous order, and once more it proved the good military organization of Serbia, and how much the country can rely on the patriotic devotion of her soldiers.
Notwithstanding the erroneous statements of a part of the foreign press, notwithstanding the speedy development of events, notwithstanding the season of work in the fields, fully 80 per cent. of the reserves presented themselves on the first day of mobilization, which was completed amid general enthusiasm.
For a long time the Serbians knew that the main struggle would be turned against Austria. The Montenegrin and Serbian peoples enter the war against the common foe with an equal confidence in their armies. The enthusiasm of these two countries is all the stronger from the fact that they are fighting simultaneously with the aid of the Russians, French, and English. Numerous manifestations have taken place in Serbian and Montenegrin cities in favor of Russia, France, and England.

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