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- On Dec. 18, 1914, the new Russian Minister to Servia, Prince Troubetzkoï, presented his credentials to the Servian Crown Prince Alexander, whom he addressed as follows

Illustrious Sir: I have the honor to hand to your Royal Highness the letter by which his Majesty the Emperor of Russia has deigned to accredit me by his Majesty the King of Serbia.
My august master has charged me to express to you the vivid sympathy and the sincere admiration which his Majesty feels for the valiant people of Serbia, her heroic army, and her venerable chief.
Allow me to express to your Highness the joy that I feel in fulfilling the imperial commission today when your army has covered itself with immortal glory and has written in Serbian history the most beautiful page that a people may desire.
Separated by a long distance, but, attracted by the heart of her elder sister, Serbia may say that in this terrible struggle against an enemy, numerically stronger but morally weaker, she is not alone and will not be forsaken.
I pray that this conviction may double the unflinching courage of the Serbians and lead them always to new victories.

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