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My Lords: The time has come for combined effort to stimulate and organize public opinion and public effort in the greatest conflict in which our people has ever been engaged.
No one who can contribute anything to the accomplishment of this supremely urgent task is justified in standing aside.
I propose, as a first step, that meetings should be held without delay, not only in our great centres of population and industry, but in every district, urban and rural, throughout the United Kingdom, at which the justice of our cause should be made plain, and the duty of every man to do his part should be enforced.
I venture to suggest to your lordships that the four principal cities over which you respectively preside should lead the way.
I am ready myself, so far as the exigencies of public duty permit, to render such help as I can, and I should be glad, with that object, to address my fellow-subjects in your cities.
I have reason to know that I can count upon the co-operation of the leaders of every section of organized political opinion.

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