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As America Sees the War

- Harold Begbie

But it was only last night in this old and mighty city of Philadelphia that the greatest of reasons for an alliance was brought sharply home to my mind. I had thought, loosely enough, that since we speak the same language, share many of the same traditions, and equally desire peace for the prosperity of our trade, surely some alliance between us was natural, and with a little effort might be made inevitable. The deeper, more political, and far grander reason for this comradeship between the two nations had never definitely shaped itself to my consciousness.
Enlightenment came to me in the course of conversation with two thoughtful Philadelphians whose minds are centered on something which transcends patriotism and who work with fine courage and remarkable ability for the triumph of their idea.
One of these men said to me: "You speak of an alliance between England and America; do you mind telling us what you mean by that term alliance?"

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