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- Arthur J. Balfour

The Russian Army no longer exists, and the Russian Navy no longer exists. The Rumanian Army — that most gallant and most unfortunate body, which might have and would have cooperated to preserve both Russia and Rumania from the tyranny of the Central Powers — had been betrayed by Russia itself. The unhappy results of the revolution from the military point of view are quite plain and obvious to the most casual observer. The actual course pursued by the Bolsheviki has rendered them completely helpless in the face of German aggression. Now they express the desire — I am sure they express it genuinely and earnestly — that they should reconstitute the Russian Army for the purpose of Russian defense, and they would welcome our assistance, doubtless, in carrying out this object. But can you reconstitute it for purposes of national defense? Can you improvise a new instrument when fragments of the old instrument are lying shattered around you? It cannot be done in a day.

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