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More Bolshevist Legislation

- Abraham Yarmolinsky

The activity of the Soviets of National Economy is restricted to the field of industry. Their counterpart in agriculture are the so-called land committees. The decree relating to agrarian socialization, voted by the Bolsheviki at 2 A. M., Nov. 8, 1917, recommends the use of a certain nakaz (mandate), based on 242 resolutions passed by village communities, as a guide in putting the land reform into practice. Article 8 of this nakaz, which is a paraphrase of the agrarian program of the Social Revolutionists, reads thus: "All the land, upon confiscation, forms a national agrarian fund. The distribution of the land among the toilers is taken care of by local and central self-governing bodies. The land is periodically redistributed, with the growth of population and the rise of the productivity of agricultural labor. "For the purpose of putting this program into operation and regulating the economic life of the village generally there have been instituted land committees (decree of Nov. 16), one for each volost (rural district including several villages).

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