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On Drawing

- A. P. Herbert

Now you have to outline the rest of the head, and this is rather a gamble. Personally, I go in for strong heads.
I am afraid it is not a strong neck; I expect he is an author, and is not well fed. But that is the worst of strong heads; they make it so difficult to join up the chin and the back of the neck.
The next thing to do is to put in the ear; and once you have done this the rest is easy. Ears are much more difficult than eyes.
I hope that is right. It seems to me to be a little too far to the southward. But it is done now. And once you have put in the ear you can't go back; not unless you are on a very good committee which provides India-rubber as well as pencils.
Now I do the hair. Hair may either be very fuzzy or black, or lightish, or thin. It depends chiefly on what sort of pencils are provided. For myself I prefer black hair, because then the parting shows up better.

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