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- Mara L. Pratt.

A great many centuries ago, when the earth was even more beautiful than it is now, there grew in one of the many valleys a dainty little fern leaf. All around the tiny plant were many others, but none of them so graceful and delicate as this one I tell you of. Every day the cheery breezes sought out their playmate, and the merry sunbeams darted in and out, playing hide-and-seek among reeds and rushes; and when the twilight shadows deepened, and the sunbeams had all gone away, the little fern curled itself up for the night with only the dewdrops for company.
So day after day went by: and no one knew of, or found the sweet wild fern, or the beautiful valley it grew in. But - for this was a very long time ago - a great change took place in the earth; and rocks and soil were upturned, and the rivers found new channels to flow in.

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