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Squeaky and the Scare Box

- Georgene Faulkner

The stockings hung by the chimney, and the tall tree was standing in the parlor. The children were asleep, and the father and mother had gone upstairs to bed.
In the pantry wall, the little mice were all wide-awake.
"Ee-ee-ee!" squeaked Squeaky; "why can't we creep into the big room and see the tall Christmas tree? The children have talked about it for days, and we have never seen one. Mother, please let us go and see it."
"Yes," said Sniffy, "do let us go. Everything smells so good. The children and the cook made long strings of popcorn today. I found a little on the pantry floor, and I want some more."
"I peeped out of our hole," said Sharpeyes, "and I saw cake and candy all ready for the children. Oh, I do want a bite of those good things! Please let us have a Christmas party."
"Well," said mother mouse, "I will ask your father. If he says it is safe, we will go."
When mother mouse asked father mouse, he said, "I will go out first and look all about. If it is safe, I will come back for you."

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