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Garden of Medicines

- Kedar Shrestha

Today, the garden is hosting a learning program. May I now begin, please? Greetings to everybody!
Do you recognize me from my leaves? I am Radish! I help to boost the digestive system if I am eaten raw. My fresh leaves cure constipation, increase appetite, and enhance eyesight. When people lose their voice and have problems with their throat, they tend to chew my seeds and get better. My turn! Says a voice from the trellis. Greetings! I am Bitter Gourd.
I am bitter in taste, but people enjoy my curries and pickles. Patients with high blood pressure crush me and drink my raw juice. And that is not all. I help in case of fever, wounds, and infections too. People often crush me and use my paste to soothe burnt skin. The Coriander comes forward and introduces itself. "Greetings to you all! Everybody wants me to enhance the taste of their curries. Pickles are also made of me. People crush my seeds with rock-sugar, make squash and drink it to stay cool in the summer. People rub my paste on their forehead to soothe their headaches.

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