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Baby Giraffe and the Sun

- Ph<U+1EA1>m Thu Thùy

Mother Giraffe works in an orange grove. The oranges are used tomake marmalade in Mr. Bear's bakery. Mother Giraffe works quite hard under the sun. Baby Giraffe decides to help Mother Giraffe. He gathers up chairs and tables, tables and chairs. He piles them on top of each other. One chair, one table. One chair, one table. He starts to climb up. Higher and higher he goes...until he reaches the sun! Amazing! The sun looks just like an orange. Baby Giraffe has an idea. He opens his mouth wide. Oh no. What happened? Mother Giraffe and Mr. Bear cannot see anything. No one can see anything! The owls are overjoyed. Owls love the dark. But where is the light? Baby Giraffe has eaten the sun. His stomach is on fire. He bursts into tears. Uncle Bear hears him crying and runs over. Baby Giraffe tells him everything. Uncle Bear says, "Don't worry. I will help you."

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