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Area - Apprenticeship and Workplace Math

- Open School BC

Honeybees are master designers. Mathematicians have proven that the hexagonal pattern on the comb is the best way of dividing up a region into cells of equal area. The amount of wax required, and the energy expended by the worker-bees, are kept to a minimum. The cells are all the exact same size. There are approximately four cells per square centimeter or 25 per square inch. This section is all about the area measurements of shapes. You will estimate areas and use those estimates to ensure that your answers to area problems are reasonable. Some of the problem situations you will meet in this section involve areas of two-dimensional shapes such squares, rectangles, parallelograms, and circles. As well, you will explore the surface area of prisms, pyramids, cylinders, and cones. You will also investigate how changing the dimensions of geometric shapes affects the perimeters and areas of those shapes.

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Go to source: https://freekidsbooks.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Freekidsbooks-Area-Apprenticeship-and-Workplace-Mathematics-10.pdf

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