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Aunty Jui's Baby

- Madhuri Purandare

Anu got ready in a jiffy. She gulped down her milk without a fuss. She didn't even cry when her mother combed her hair. The moment Anu entered Aunty's house she shouted, "Aunty! Where is the baby?"
"Shhhh..." said Aunty Jui, with her finger on her lips. "Softly. The baby is sleeping."
Sleeping? What a bore. Anu began to sulk. Aai pulled Anu close. "The baby is still very small, Anu. You must not trouble her. After all, you are her big sister!"
Big sister! Anu felt very important. But why did the baby have to go to sleep? Just then they heard a thin wail...
"She is up," said Aunty, and gave the baby to Aai.
"I want to hold the baby," said Anu.
"Oh no, Anu. You won't be able to. You're much too small," said Aai.
"But I'm her big sister," said Anu.

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