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Bhabho the Buffalo

- Tripurari Sharma

After few days, a bird flying across the sky accidentally dropped a seed from its beak. It got stuck on Bhabho's horns. Bhabho hardly noticed this little seed. Slowly, the seed began blooming into a tiny sapling.
Leaves began sprouting. Eventually, that little sapling began to grow into a plant. Branches began spreading their arms. Everyone was worried for Bhabho. But Bhabho was indifferent. She would roam and sit anywhere she liked, just like before. When the sun shone fiercely, other buffaloes would get hot and bothered searching for shade.
But Bhabho didn't have to lift a leg.
She'd giggle and say, "Look, I have my own umbrella!" They couldn't help but agree with her. After all, Bhabho now had a splendid tree growing on her horns. One day, a bird decided to make her nest on Bhabho's tree. "Don't shake the tree, Bhabho," she warned the buffalo. "I've kept my eggs on it."

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