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A Very Green Day

- Ph<U+1EA1>m Thu Thùy

Greeny doesn't want to nap. Today, she wants to be a tree! Trees don't need naps! Trees can play all day long. Trees only need to be green. Uh-oh.
Dad can't find Greeny. She's hiding among the trees. It's so fun to be a tree! But it is a bit hot playing under the sun, isn't it? Actually, it's too hot! What should Greeny do? What should Greeny do? Should she go home to Dad? But where is home? Greeny is lost! Dad is looking for Greeny.
Greeny keeps walking until she reaches a river. Tired and scared, Greeny bursts into tears. Her tears cause the river to flood! The whole city is flooded! Ah! Greeny has an idea. She will write messages for Dad on her leaves. The green world helps her too. Thanks to the green world, Dad finally gets her messages. Dad finds Greeny! DADDY! GREENY! Greeny is so tired. Now, all she wants is her nap.

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Go to source: https://www.digitallibrary.io/en/books/read/3698/90190

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