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The Hare's Story

- Lydia Kimaryo

Until recently, Kitasha had been facing many years of drought. There was no rain, the rivers were dry. One day, the Elephant (who was the Chairperson of the Forest) called a meeting. All the animals came to the meeting, except the Hare. The Elephant said, "My fellow country-animals, water scarcity in Kitasha has affected us all. There is no indication that it will go away any time soon. I have called this meeting today to ask each of you to think of a solution."
But none of the animals really cared. They kept up old habits like felling and burning trees, even near the river. Soon the rains stopped. Rivers and lakes began drying out.
The drought persisted for a long time. Crops failed in farms. Water scarcity quickly led to food scarcity.
The Hyena was the first to contribute ideas on how to end the problem. "I suggest that we dig a big well so that we have enough water." Almost all animals agreed. They were to start digging early in the morning the following day. The Chairperson asked every animal to keep time.

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