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Going to School to Sculpt the Brain

- Javier DeFelipe and

There are numerous experimental studies using mostly mice and rats showing that, when these animals are reared in enriched environments, they outperform those reared in non-enriched cages in terms of learning, memory and visual acuity. These studies suggest that multiple circuits in the brain are modified, leading to improved cognitive abilities. At the micro-anatomical level, for example, an enriched environment has been shown to induce an increase in neuronal complexity in the cerebral cortex. Similarly, studies performed in the cerebral cortex of humans with different educational levels have reported an increase in neuronal complexity as educational levels increased.
Thus, the idea is not to try to sculpt our brain to become a genius, but rather to make the most of our own individual genetic make-up through education to increase our cognitive capabilities. In other words, sculpting our brain through our efforts at school would be amply rewarded with a greater brain capacity, benefiting us both during and beyond our school years.

License information: CC BY 4.0
Go to source: https://kids.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/frym.2013.00001

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