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Crushed louse

- Zimbili Dlamini, Magriet Brink

As it got dark, they saw a light in a house. They agreed to go and ask for a place to sleep. They went to the house and knocked. The door opened and they went in. The young men didn't see anyone. But they heard a voice greeting them. The voice said, "I am a louse. Open the metal pot and have food. Open the earthenware pot and drink amahewu." Then the louse put on its skin and went out. The young men ate, drank, and gave thanks. Then they left the house. As they left, they had a bad thought. They said, "No, it couldn't have happened that we had food from a louse." Eventually they agreed to go back and crush the louse. They went back to the house and crushed the louse. Suddenly the louse was gone, and the house disappeared! They found themselves outside in the open.

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