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Sizwe's smile

- Vianne Venter

It had been raining for days, and everyone was grumpy. Everyone except Sizwe, who woke up with a smile every morning. "Yoh! Sizwe! That smile is magic!" said Gogo. "Is it for me?" Sizwe clapped his hand over his mouth. "But it's MY smile, Gogo," he whispered.
His mother laughed. "Sizwe! A smile is something you can give away without losing it. Look!" She lifted him up to the mirror. There was his smile, just as bright as before.
It was time to go out. Mama buttoned up Sizwe's raincoat, and off they went, through the rain, to the library. Down the street, Sizwe's best friend Zanele stood at the window of her house, looking sadly at the rain. Sizwe felt his smile creeping, creeping up. Before he knew it, his smile LEAPT out, and flew across the garden to Zanele.
Zanele held on tightly to the smile – it was far too precious to let it get away. As Sizwe walked away to the library, Zanele's doorbell rang. It was the postman, with a letter from her favorite cousin. Zanele was so happy, that the smile bounced up, and beamed out at the postman.

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