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Waiting for baby

- Ursula Nafula

Today is the big day! After 9 months of waiting, Thabi's mother is going to hospital to have her baby. She will be back in 3 days. Can you read the date and day of the week on the calendar? What will the date be when Thabi's mother comes home? "Bye bye sweetheart!" Thabi's mother says. "Please help Dad. I'll be home very soon, with a big surprise for all of us!" The baby has grown so big inside her mother's tummy that Thabi can't get her arms around her like she could before. The taxi is hooting. It is time for her mother to leave. Thabi starts to cry. Her father lifts her up on his shoulders. She loves being so high up off the ground like this. She is now at least a whole head taller than her father! If Thabi's father is 1,6 meters or 160 centimeters tall. About how far off the ground is Thabi now?

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