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Dima and Owl

- Traditional San story

One day, Dima decided to visit Owl. When they served food, Dima wondered why Owl's food tasted so good. He wondered if it was because the food grew in the sun and it was cooked in fire. Secretly, Dima made a plan. He decided to dance. He wanted everyone at Owl's place to gather around him and see him dance. He was a good dancer. Owl and his family admired the beautiful dancing. When it grew dark, Owl decided to fetch the sun from his house so that he could still watch Dima's dancing. Owl kept the sun in an animal skin bag inside his hut. He carried the sun out from his house and held it high up above his shoulders. Now it was light. Everyone could see far into the distance. Soon everyone was dancing in the light of the sun. Dima crept closer to the sun while he was dancing. Owl held on to the sun but after a while he forgot about it because he enjoyed the dancing so much. He saw how beautifully Dima danced. He too wanted to dance like this.

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