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- Sudhir

One day, as Kabir was riding his bicycle... "AAA… CHHOOO!"
He fell from his bike with a bang! One day, Mama wanted to make puris. Kabir was taking some flour to her... "AAA… CHHOOO!" Flour filled the air. One day, as Kabir was ready to take a catch... "AAA… CHHOOO! " He dropped it. Everyone was upset with Kabir's constant sneezing! Kabir most of all. His sneezing was messing up everything! One day, a mouse entered Mama's wardrobe. "AAA… CHHOOO!" The frightened mouse ran out of Mama's wardrobe. Mama said, "Dear Kabir! Your sneeze has saved my clothes!" Little birds were pecking at the maize on Auntie's farm. "AAA… CHHOOO! " Aunite said, "Dear Kabir! Thanks to your sneeze, all the birds flew away. They would have ruined my crop." It was late at night. Everyone was asleep. A thief snuck into the house. "AAA… CHHOO!" The thief jumped in fear and ran away. Everyone woke up and said, "Dear Kabir! Thanks to your sneeze, the thief fled before stealing anything!" Now everyone was talking happily about Kabir's sneezes.

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