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Lion and Warthog

- South African Folktale

Once upon a time, Lion was the strongest and most feared of all the animals. He would catch other animals and eat them. But one morning while he was looking for his breakfast, he got caught in a hunter's trap.
Lion gave his loudest roar. He pulled and pulled to free himself from the trap. The trap got tighter and tighter around his leg every time he pulled. Lion grew tired and he felt more pain in his leg. Finally, he gave up.
Days went past as Lion lay baking in the sun. He was hungry and thirsty and there was nobody to save him. He became weaker and weaker. "I am going to die of hunger and thirst in this trap," he thought to himself.
One morning, Lion heard a sound coming from the nearby bushes. He listened and looked closer. He saw Warthog walking with his family, talking and laughing. The warthogs were going to the river to drink water and play in the mud before the sun got too hot.
"Warthog! Please help me! Warthog!" cried Lion. "Please set me free from this trap," he pleaded. "Never," said Warthog. "You are a cruel animal."

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Go to source: https://www.africanstorybook.org/

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