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King of the birds

- South African Folktale

Once long ago, the birds had a meeting. They wanted a king, just like people and animals. Which bird should be king?
"Eagle, he is strong and kingly!" said one bird. "No, he has no crown, and when he calls, he sounds too sad," said another. "Then Ostrich, because he is the largest and roars like a lion," one called out. "No, he can't fly. The king of the birds must be able to fly."
"I think I should be king," said Peacock, fanning his tail. "I am so beautiful." "You are too proud," said Owl. "I have the largest eyes of any bird. I should be king." "No, not you, Owl," the other birds shouted. "You go to sleep when the sun rises!"
And so they didn't get very far with choosing a king. Then one bird had an idea. "The one who can fly the highest will be king," she said. "Yes, yes," all the birds shouted, and they all flew up, up, into the sky.
Goose flew for one day, straight over the highest mountains in the world. Eagle flew for two days, into the sky high above the mountains.

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