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What Vusi's sister said

- Nina Orange

Early one morning Vusi's granny called him, "Vusi, please take this egg to your parents. They want to make a large cake for your sister's wedding."
On his way to his parents, Vusi met two boys picking fruit. One boy grabbed the egg from Vusi and shot it at a tree. The egg broke.
"What have you done?" cried Vusi. "That egg was for a cake. The cake was for my sister's wedding. What will my sister say if there is no wedding cake?"
The boys were sorry for teasing Vusi. "We can't help with the cake, but here is a walking stick for your sister," said one. Vusi continued on his journey.
Along the way he met two men building a house. "Can we use that strong stick?" asked one. But the stick was not strong enough for building, and it broke.
"What have you done?" cried Vusi. "That stick was a gift for my sister. The fruit pickers gave me the stick because they broke the egg for the cake. The cake was for my sister's wedding. Now there is no egg, no cake, and no gift. What will my sister say?"

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