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- Mohammad Shah Alam

Soon, Rini's father brought her a puppy.
It was a white puppy with really soft fur.
Rini named her Bhujar.
Bhujar was full of energy! Her Dad taught Rini how to take care of a puppy. He said, "You must feed her and clean her regularly. Then she will know to be faithful." Rini looked after Bhujar everyday. Rini gave Bhujar baths, and took her for walks and on adventures. Bhujar adored Rini, and Rini adored Bhujar. Wherever Rini went, Bhujar went with her. But Bhujar was not allowed to go to school with Rini.
When Rini went to school, Bhujar had to stay at home alone. One day, Bhujar followed Rini to school. She moved around Rini, barking and jumping. "Bhujar, why are you coming with me?" Rini scolded. "You can't come to school. If you do, boys and girls will tease you. And the teacher won't be happy!"
So Bhujar went home.

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