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Tortoise finds his house

- Maya Fowler

A little later they passed Ladybird. "Are you looking for something?" asked Ladybird. "Yes, Ladybird, I'm looking for my house. Have you seen it, by any chance?" Ladybird said, "No, I haven't, but I'll help you look!" She hopped onto Tortoise's back and on he went, with Snail and Sparrow and Ladybird on his back. They looked and looked, but there was no sign of a house. A breeze started to blow. A little later they passed Mouse. He was making a garland of daisies. "Are you looking for something?" asked Mouse. "Yes, Mouse, I'm looking for my house. Have you seen it, by any chance?" Mouse said: "No, I haven't, but I'll help you look!" She hopped onto Tortoise's back. "Wait, I can't leave my flowers behind." Tortoise waited. Mouse stretched and stretched and scooped up her daisies. Tortoise walked on, with Snail and Sparrow and Ladybird and Mouse on his back. They looked and looked, but there was no sign of a house.

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